Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well As It Goes

Posted by X

Games Games Games.... Why why why, They have the whole big big build up and then they just let us down... ROCK BAND 2 for example Rock Band was released in NZ 1 year after it was released in US... Rock Band 2 hasn't been released yet. It is soo annoying.
At the moment the moment My gaming is pretty much just Music games.. I am so into them. But I have got my pre-order on Assassins Creed 2 Black Edition for PS3 can't wait for that one...
TV is not to far away…
I was playing Mass Effect today, played it for about an hour. When I chose to nuke some bugs and left the shield down and died… Oops I had forgotten to save. There goes a wasted hour. I’m not looking forward to work tomorrow, we have a big finance going at the moment, So it will most likely be really busy.